Employment Opportunities and Vacancies

Hoursworth placements This page features employment opportunities for people with and without disabilities. We are always willing to offer the following opportunities:-
  • Work experience placements for school students via the Trident Scheme
  • Volunteering opportunities within Frontline Partnership

Frontline supports people with a learning disability and high support needs to live a full and productive life through their inclusion, participation and contribution with the Brentwood community


No Vacancies


Please visit this page periodically to check for further opportunities.


Frontline recognises the value of a diverse work force in which people from differing backgrounds, with different skills and abilities can bring new ideas to enable us to deliver high quality services.We are committed to fairness and equality of access in all our activities. Our aim is to employ a work force which reflects our local community. Frontline’s commitment to equal opportunity means no employee or service user will be discriminated against because of their gender, disability, race, sexual orientation, age, marital status, colour, religion, ethnic or national origin and creed.Frontline is committed to providing high quality services to a wide range of people. As a Charity and employer we are totally committed to equality and fairness.
Equal opportunities mean access to jobs, services and information and participation for all.Every staff member can influence how equality is achieved, both in the workplace and through the services we provide. We will ensure that all staff are aware of their rights and responsibilities in this respect.Each individual employee has a duty both morally and legally not to discriminate against other employees or service users.Direct DiscriminationTreating a person less favourably than another because of gender, disability, race, sexual orientation, age, marital status, colour, religion, ethnic or national origin and creed.Indirect DiscriminationApplication of a requirement or condition, which adversely affects one group more than another and cannot be justified. There need not be any intention to discriminate for action to constitute indirect discrimination.Employees who feel that they have been unfairly discriminated against in respect of their employment should raise it in the first instance with their Line Manager. Such complaints will be dealt with in a positive and sensitive manner and if appropriate will be dealt with formally under Frontline’s Grievance Procedure and/or the Harassment Policy.Our Equality in Employment Policy will help Frontline to:
1. Provide equality of opportunity for everyone
Frontline seeks to ensure vacancies are advertised as widely as possible to assist in attracting a wide range of applicants and that recruitment is based on clearly defined job competencies, and clearly defined interview procedures.
2. Attract and retain skilled staff
All managers and employees shall have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities under both the law and Frontline’s Equal Opportunities Policy. It is our intention to provide Equality awareness training for all staff.We will provide employees with the skills, knowledge and competencies to provide services in a flexible person centred approach encouraging good communication between employees and service users.We will avoid stereotyping by making inappropriate assumptions, or other categorisations, based on gender, disability, race, sexual orientation, age, marital status, colour, religion, ethnic or national origin and creed.We will promote understanding of the Social Model of Disability recognising that it is the environment that is ‘disabling’ not the impairments.
3. Ensure that our employment and businesses practices are in accordance with the law.Harassment towards any member of staff or service user constitutes gross misconduct and any such employee committing such an offence may be personally liable for their behaviour under equal opportunities legislation.Victimisation may occur when a person is treated less favourably than another person because they have made a complaint of harassment/discrimination/bullying/racism and/or given evidence about such complaint. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 provide protection from victimisation.Disciplinary/Grievance Procedures
Under Frontline’s disciplinary procedure breaches of Equal Opportunities Policy, including serious acts of harassment, discrimination or verbal abuse against employees, service users or members of the public on grounds of race, sex, gender, sexual orientation or religious belief or other grounds will normally be regarded as gross misconduct and could lead to dismissal.We will not tolerate acts which breach this duty and all instances of such behaviour, or alleged behaviour, will be taken seriously, and if necessary fully investigated by Frontline.