Helping to build inclusive communities in Bulgaria
After 15 years and 38 visits involving 65 volunteers, a Frontline team made a final visit to Bulgaria in September 2017, working in partnership with the National Association of Resource Teachers in Sofia. During that visit we were accompanied by a physiotherapist who is involved with PhysioNet, the registered charity that has provided much of the children's special needs equipment for which we have organised assessment and distribution over the years. Responsibility for this provision has now been handed over to our colleague, officially concluding the final phase of Frontline's work in Bulgaria. However, several of our volunteers may well continue to be informally involved in this work on a personal level whilst others continue to support the community-focused work of Friendship Church in Ruse which promotes the same values and ethos as Frontline.
For our final Newsletter, as well as earlier ones that document this project, please click on the links below.
To view and download the Bulgaria 2017 Newsletter click here