Frontline originated within the Occupational Therapy service based at Little Highwood, an institution for adults with learning disabilities in Brentwood that closed in 2004. During the 1990’s Occupational Therapy staff, some of whom were members of Sawyers Church, were involved in preparing residents for their resettlement into the community. The HoursWorth Supported Employment Service was born and other projects were created, including Crown Café and Café Art at Sawyers Church and the Realife Theatre Company at Brentwood Theatre. People were supported to build their skills and to establish social relationships and networks in readiness for life in the community. Realife Trust acted as a development agency whilst Frontline became established. In August 2002 Frontline was registered as a Limited Company and in October 2003 it became a Registered Charity. Realife continued to provide administrative support until 2005.
Frontline works specifically in Brentwood, Essex and the surrounding districts, with international links in Bulgaria. Its’ projects are funded through grants, donations, direct payments, fund raising events and gift aid.